
His mentor Koo Yu-cheung

上圖 - 顧師與愛徒子祥表演氣功情況 Koo performs Qigong with Tze-cheung(up)
下圖 - 子祥(右)表演技擊, 顧在場觀看 Lung in combat while Koo looks on(down)

祖師顧汝章﹐為江蘇省阜寧縣人﹐父顧利之﹐為潭腿門臣子﹐設鏢局於鎮江﹐祖師幼承庭訓﹐長拜嵩山少林高手嚴繼溫門下習技﹐凡十一年﹐對十八般武器﹐及搏擊制敵﹐小金鐘氣功﹐鐵沙掌等技﹐悉受 真傳﹐尤復技不自滿﹐先從李景林習太極拳、太乙劍﹔于振聲習查 拳﹔孫祿堂習形意拳﹐其最為人熟知者為鐵沙掌﹐人莫不知其名。他南來廣州任兩廣國術館教官﹐後設廣州國術社﹐傳技見重於當時﹐軍政首長陳濟堂﹐乃委軍校教授國術。

Founding Master Yu-cheung Koo was a native of Jiangsu. His father, Lei-chi Koo, was a learner of Tam Leg martial act who operated an armed escort service at Zhangjiang. Master Koo received good family education. For some eleven years, he followed a Shaolin Kung Fu Master called Kai-wan Yim to learn Kung Fu. He was well-versed in eighteen Chinese weapons, hand-to-hand compact, Little Bell Qigong as well as Iron Hand Boxing. He got all these from a true Shaolin master. Not contented with what he mastered, he also learnt Tai Chi Quan and Tai Chi Sword from King-lam Li; Char Boxing from Chun-sing Yu; Style and Philosophical Boxing from Luk-tong Sun. He was most famous for his Iron Hand Boxing. Later, he came to Guangzhou where he became an instructor for Guangzhou and Guangxi Martial Arts Institute. He also set up the Guangzhou Martial Arts Institute and himself became the institute's instructor. He was so well-known that the ruler and army head of Guangzhou, Chai-tong Chan, employed him as the Kung Fu instructor for his army.

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